Home page

Wenatchee Valley College (external link)

School Name and Address

Contact for more information

Wenatchee Valley College
1300 Fifth Street
Wenatchee, WA 98801-1799
Main telephone 509.682.6800
Website https://www.wvc.edu/ (external link)
Request more information https://www.wvc.edu/visit/request-info.html (external link)
Other sites Omak Campus
116 West Apple Avenue
Omak, WA 98841

General Information

General information

Educational system Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Public or private Public
Type of school 2-year college
School classification Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
Date founded 1939
Degrees offered Certificate or diploma, Associate
School accreditation Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Specialized accreditation Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, National Technicians Education Foundation
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider Most programs; see program descriptions

School setting

Setting Small town-rural area (not within commuting distance of a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area Wenatchee
Population of city the school is in 30,810
Public transportation to campus Students travel free from home to campus or around town when they use their WVC student ID.
Student parking on campus Yes; $25 per quarter
https://www.wvc.edu/about/wenatchee-campus/parking.html (external link)
Campus size 56 acres
County Chelan

School visits

Contact to set up school visit Student Programs Office; 509.682.6860
https://www.wvc.edu/visit/campus-tours.html (external link)

Student Body


Number of full time, freshmen men 177
Number of full time, freshmen women 226
Total number of full time freshmen 403
Number of part time, freshmen men 29
Number of part time, freshmen women 43
Total number of part time freshmen 72
Total number of freshmen men 206
Total number of freshmen women 269
Total number of freshmen 475
Number of full time, undergraduate men 1,025
Number of full time, undergraduate women 1,309
Total number of full time undergraduates 2,334
Number of part time, undergraduate men 334
Number of part time, undergraduate women 550
Total number of part time undergraduates 884
Total number of undergraduate males 1,359
Total number of undergraduate females 1,859
Total number of undergraduate students 3,218
Total enrollment 3,218

Racial-ethnic background of undergraduate students

American Indian/Alaskan Native 2%
Asian 1%
Black Less than 1%
Hispanic 35%
Multiracial 3%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Less than 1%
White 53%
Race/ethnicity unknown 3%
These figures reflect responses of people who chose to indicate their racial-ethnic background. All categories except Hispanic represent non-Hispanic students. International students are not included in these figures so they may not add up to 100 percent.

International students

Percentage of students from outside the US Less than 1%

Costs (external link)

Annual costs for full-time undergraduate students
(Costs are for the 2019-2020 academic year. Full-time costs are based on 45 credits per year.)

In-state tuition $4,126
Out-of-state tuition $4,476
Fees $510
Books and supplies $825
Cost information website https://www.wvc.edu/apply/pay/tuition/tuition-fees.html (external link)
Upper division credits for Bachelor of Applied Science programs are $2,205 per quarter (15 credits) plus mandatory fees.

Quarterly fees for Omak campus: Comprehensive $1.50 per credit ($15 maximum), Technology $30.

Tuition rates vary by

Degree level (e.g., certificate, associate, bachelor's)

Tuition refund policy

https://www.wvc.edu/apply/pay/tuition/refund-policy.html (external link)

Financial Aid (external link)

Contact for counseling or more information

Financial Aid Office
Financial aid office website https://www.wvc.edu/apply/pay/financial-aid/index.html (external link)
Scholarship list website https://www.wvc.edu/apply/pay/financial-aid/scholarships.html (external link)

Applying for financial aid

Submit these forms FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Application deadline (for fall term) March 1

Financial aid programs at this school

Federal PLUS loans (for parents)
Federal Stafford loans (subsidized)
Federal Stafford loans (unsubsidized)
Institution loans (from the school)
Need-based scholarships and grants
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Privately-sponsored scholarships and grants
School-sponsored scholarships and grants
State-sponsored scholarships and grants
Student employment
Work study
Veteran's benefits
Veteran's benefits, such as the GI Bill, are honored

Admissions (external link)

Contact for more information

Admissions Office
Admissions office website https://www.wvc.edu/apply/get-started.html (external link)
Electronic application website https://www.wvc.edu/apply/index.html (external link)

Entrance difficulty

For incoming students Open (virtually all applicants are accepted)
Open admissions policy applies to Except for allied health programs
Groups or programs with a different entrance difficulty level Allied health programs
Entrance difficulty level for these groups Moderately difficult (about 85% of all applicants accepted)

Last year's applicants

Number of male applicants who enrolled 206
Number of female applicants who enrolled 269
Total number of applicants who enrolled 475

Education required for admission

High school education High school diploma or equivalent not required.

Application dates

Fall* application deadline Continuous
* Application dates for winter, spring, or summer term admission are likely to be different.

Application requirements

Online application available https://www.public.ctc.edu/ApplicantWebClient/Applicant/ApplWelcome.aspx (external link)
Application fee Non-refundable, one-time fee of $25 (excluding Running Start students).
Submit these items:
Application Required for some students
High school transcript or GED certificate Required for some students


Required exams ASSET or COMPASS

Other admissions information

Accepted students can defer admission for a period of time
Early admissions (select high school students can enroll for college credit)

Credits accepted for transfer students

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
Military service

Academics (external link)

Degrees offered

Pre-licensing training
Certificate or diploma

School catalog

School catalog website https://www.wvc.edu/students/access/course-catalog.html (external link)
Academic index website https://www.wvc.edu/academics/index.html (external link)

Faculty and instruction

Academic calendar Quarters

Graduation requirements

Required number of credits for an associate degree 90 credits
All students must meet:
Core curriculum or school-wide requirements
Math or science requirement

Attendance options

On-line/distance learning
Part time
Summer school

Optional academic programs

Honors program

Off-campus study

Study abroad available

Alternative credit opportunities

Advanced Placement
Challenge for course credit
Challenge Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Cooperative education
External degree program (earn credits through options that require little or no classroom attendance)
Independent study
International Baccalaureate
Postsecondary enrollment options (high school students can enroll for credit)
Tech prep


Computer lab available to students
Computer network can be accessed from dorm rooms
Computer network can be accessed from off campus
Online registration for classes


Main library name John Brown Library

Sports (external link)

Intercollegiate and intramural sports available

Intercollegiate Intramural
Sport Men Women Men Women
Baseball Yes $
Basketball Yes $ Yes $ Yes Yes
Racquetball Yes Yes
Skiing (cross-country) Yes Yes
Skiing (downhill) Yes Yes
Soccer Yes $ Yes $
Softball Yes $
Tennis Yes Yes
Volleyball Yes $ Yes Yes
Weight lifting Yes Yes
$ indicates scholarships offered. For intercollegiate sports, the division is given when that information is available. “Yes” is used if a sport is offered, but the school has not specified the division. “Club” indicates intercollegiate competition is at the club level. For intramural sports, “Yes” indicates a sport is available.

Athletic association membership

Sports website URL https://www.wvc.edu/athletics/index.html (external link)

Student Life

Student activities

Choral groups
Drama or theater groups
Student government
https://www.wvc.edu/students/student-programs/ (external link)

Housing (external link)

Contact for more information

Residential Life Coordinator
Housing office website https://www.wvc.edu/apply/future-students/residence-hall/ (external link)

Campus housing

School owns or operates housing
Highest year that students are required to live on campus Not required
Housing availability for first year students No special consideration
Housing options Co-ed
Dorms require a key or code to enter
Application deposit $450

Student Services

Academic services for all students

Academic advising
English as a Second Language (ESL) program
Reading and study skills courses
Remedial education courses

Other services for all students

Placement testing
Student lounge

Services for students with disabilities

Lisa Foster
Student Access Director
509.682.6854; TTY/TTD 509.682.6853
Disabilities services website https://www.wvc.edu/students/support/disability-services/index.html (external link)
Designated parking
Learning aids
Services for students with learning disabilities

Services for women and families

Child daycare available on campus No; child care services available through Westside Early Learning Center on 1521 Ninth Street. Contact the WVC Early Childhood Education coordinator at 509.682.6633 for more information.

Additional services available for these groups

Adult learners
International students

Campus security

Campus patrolled by trained security personnel
Late night transport service
Periodic evening campus security checks are made.

Career Services

Contact for more information

Career Center
509.682.6858 (Wenatchee campus); 509.422.7812 (Omak Campus)
Career services website https://www.wvc.edu/students/support/career-services/index.html (external link)

Career services offered

Alumni networking and mentoring
Career counseling
Career interest testing
Career library
Job interviews
On campus recruitment by employers
Placement assistance
Résumé preparation assistance
Résumé referral to employers

Educational programs (external link)

List programs by [ title | cluster ]

Wenatchee Valley College (Omak Campus)

  • Accounting Technology and Bookkeeping
    • Accounting [Certificate, Associate]
  • Addiction Counseling
    • Chemical Dependency Studies [Associate]
  • Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science
    • Business Computer Technology [Certificate]
  • Biological Sciences, General
    • Associate of Science--Transfer [Associate of Science - Transfer]
  • Business Management and Administration
    • Associate of Business [Transfer, Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA), Associate of Arts and Science]
  • Child Care Assisting
    • Early Childhood Education [Certificate, Associate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--Family Child Care [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--General [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--Infants and Toddlers [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--School Age Child Care [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
  • Child Care Services Management
    • Early Childhood Education--Child Care Administration [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
  • Child Development
    • Early Childhood Education--Family Child Care [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--General [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--Infants and Toddlers [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--School Age Child Care [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--State Short Certificate for Home Visiting & Family Engagement [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
  • Criminal Justice
    • Criminal Justice [Associate]
  • Data Entry and Processing
    • Business Computer Technology [Certificate]
  • Early Childhood Education and Teaching
    • Early Childhood Education [Certificate, Associate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--Initial State Certificate [Certificate]
    • Early Childhood Education--State Credential [Certificate]
  • Gaming Programs
    • Gaming Operations Supervisor [Certificate]
    • Tribal Gaming Management [Certificate]
  • Hospitality Management
    • Gaming Operations Supervisor [Certificate]
  • Medical Laboratory Science
    • Medical Laboratory Technology [Associate]
  • Nursing Assisting
    • Nursing Assistant [Certificate]
  • Physical Sciences, General
    • Associate of Applied Science [Transfer, Associate of Applied Science]
    • Associate of Science--Transfer [Associate of Science - Transfer]
  • Pre-Engineering
    • Associate of Applied Science [Transfer, Associate of Applied Science]
    • Associate of Science--Transfer [Associate of Science - Transfer]
  • Pre-Health Services
    • Associate of Science--Transfer [Associate of Science - Transfer]
  • Registered Nursing
    • Associate of Nursing [Associate, Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA)]
  • Workforce Training and WIOA Eligible Training Programs
    • Associate of Nursing [Associate, Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA)]
    • Business Computer Technology [Certificate]
    • Chemical Dependency Studies [Associate]
    • Criminal Justice [Associate]
    • Early Childhood Education [Certificate, Associate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Early Childhood Education--State Short Certificate for Home Visiting & Family Engagement [Certificate, Short-term Training (1 year or less)]
    • Tribal Gaming Management [Certificate]