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International Business, Trade, and Finance


International business, trade, and finance programs prepare people to do business in other countries.

In international business, trade, and finance, students learn about:

Besides a general business education, international business programs may also require study of a foreign language or cultural studies.


In international business, trade, and finance programs, students may be able to specialize in:


Internships allow students to develop skills at companies or organizations. A relevant internship for this program would be in a foreign country or with a business that operates in a global market.


Several community colleges and technical schools offer certificate and associate degree programs in international business, trade, and finance. An associate degree program usually takes two years to complete. An associate degree is good preparation to work in sales, shipping, or customer service.

Many colleges and universities offer bachelor's degrees in international business, trade, and finance. A bachelor's degree usually takes four years of full-time study. Some programs include a one-year, study-abroad experience. A bachelor's degree is good preparation to work as a specialist in a department such as marketing or finance.

Many universities offer graduate degrees in international business, trade, and finance. It is also possible to focus on international business in a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program. A master's degree typically requires two years of study beyond a bachelor's degree. Doctoral (PhD) degree programs usually require two or more years of study beyond the master's degree.

See schools that offer this program.

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Program Admission

You can prepare for this program by taking courses in high school that prepare you for college. This typically includes four years of English, three years of math, three years of social studies, and two years of science. Some colleges also require two years of a second language.

Below is a list of high school courses that will help prepare you for this program of study:

Graduate Admissions

Admission to MBA programs is competitive. You need a bachelor's degree, good grades, and good test scores. Your bachelor's degree should be in a business field. If your undergraduate major was not business-related, you should complete several business courses. Accounting, economics, and marketing are important. Other recommended courses are business law, management information systems, and management. You also should have good command of a second language. Experience living or working abroad is very helpful.

Additional requirements at some schools include:

Typical Course Work

Program Courses

The undergraduate program in a business subject typically includes courses in the following subjects:

In addition, to prepare for a career in international business, trade, and finance you probably will want to take some of the following, either in a bachelor's program or an MBA program:

Graduate Program Courses

An MBA program typically includes the following:

Things to Know

You need to take courses in a second language and in foreign cultures, and also in other non-business subjects. Good skills in writing, speaking, and critical thinking are needed for advancement in the business world.

Foreign travel is also very useful, but there are ways you can learn about other countries. For example, you can get to know your fellow students who come from other countries.

Business courses in high school can be useful preparation for a career in this field. Your high school transcript needs to show that you are preparing for a demanding college-level program.


East Side Area

Central Washington University

Washington State University - Pullman

King-Snohomish Area

Highline College

North Seattle College

Northeastern University - Seattle

Seattle Pacific University

Seattle University

Shoreline Community College

University of Washington - Bothell (Eastside Leadership Center)

University of Washington - Seattle

Spokane Area

Eastern Washington University

Eastern Washington University (Spokane Campus)

Gonzaga University

Whitworth University

Tacoma Area

Pacific Lutheran University

Tacoma Community College

University of Puget Sound

West Side Area

Western Washington University