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Agricultural and Extension Education Services


Programs in agricultural and extension education prepare people to provide technical assistance to gardeners, farmers, and ranchers.

Agricultural and extension education services programs include topics such as:


In agricultural and extension education services programs, students may be able to specialize in:


Very few community colleges offer associate degree programs in agricultural and extension education services. An associate degree program at a community college usually takes two years to complete.

Several colleges and universities offer bachelor's degree programs in agricultural and extension education services. A bachelor's degree usually takes about four years of full-time study.

A few universities offer graduate degrees in agricultural and extension education services. A master's degree typically requires two years of study beyond a bachelor's degree. Doctoral (PhD) degree programs usually require two or more years of study beyond the master's degree.

See schools that offer this program.

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Program Admission

You can prepare for this program of study by getting your high school diploma or GED.

Below is a list of high school courses that will help prepare you for this program of study:

Typical Course Work

Program Courses

This program typically includes courses in some of the following subjects:

Most programs require you to gain field experience in an extension education setting. This is a hands-on opportunity to apply what you've learned about teaching agriculture courses in a variety of non-formal education settings. Most often this is in county extension offices. Whatever the setting, you benefit from the direct supervision and guidance of an experienced agricultural extension educator.

Also, in some programs, you get the opportunity to take a pre-practicum course. This gives you some field experience before you are given the full responsibility of teaching a course. You would work closely with a teacher and supervisor, observing and assisting in teaching activities.

Things to Know

Many people with a degree in agricultural and extension education also work as program coordinators, planning community education programs.

For information about farm occupations, opportunities, and 4-H activities, contact your local county extension service office.


East Side Area

Washington State University - Pullman