Child Sponsorship background from Valmiera, Latvia

Child from Valmiera, LatviaSOS Children's Village Valmiera

Valmiera has about 30,000 inhabitants and is the centre of the Vidzeme region. It is a friendly town offering good opportunities for general and professional education as well as leisure time activities. The local municipality donated a suitable plot of land on the outskirts of town in a rural area, with a nursery, primary and secondary schools and a sports field within walking distance of the premises of the SOS Children's Village. The government of Valmiera actively supports the activities of SOS Children's Village and has offered to cover a fixed percentage of the running costs.

SOS Children's Village Valmiera comprises twelve family houses, an administration and multipurpose building and houses for the village director and the SOS aunts (who support the SOS mothers and take care of the children when the mothers are on leave). Up to 78 children will find a new home in the twelve family houses under the loving care of their SOS mothers.

Other SOS Projects in Valmiera

The Family Strengthening Programme offers access to essential services for children’s development (eg. educational, nutritional, health support, social skills) and supports families to protect and care for their children. The programme also aims at linking families with income generating activities and offers help to improve the parents’ parenting skills.


As well as our SOS Children’s Villages, our charity is also an education charity, with many SOS Schools operating around the world.