Examples of slide in the following topics:
- The basic element of the presentation is the slide.
- Some basic example elements used to compose a slide are as follows:
- Text: Users can enter the content as bullets on the slide along with a title for the slide.
- Remember to re-size the photo to fit the slide.
- After locating the desired supporting media, incorporate it into the slide.
- You may control the movement from one slide to the next as you speak, or you may preprogram the amount of time that each slide appears on the screen and speak only for that amount of time.
- You can use the Slide Show view to deliver your presentation.
- You can use the Slide Show view to see the slide show on your computer screen one slide at a time.
- In Presenter view, you can display the current slide on the left side, the next slide on the right, and the notes at the bottom right of the screen.
- Move to a specific slide: Drag the scroll box up or down until you displays the slide you want
- Microsoft PowerPoint dominates the presentation software market, but other options include Mind Maps, SlideRocket, and Prezi.
- For presentation slides, you can start with a general, top level map and then create additional slides to drill down to the subtopics.
- SlideRocket is provided via a monthly SaaS model or an annual subscription plan.
- You can also import your PowerPoint presentations or Google Presenter presentations into SlideRocket.
- Prezi is a web- based presentation software using zoom interface rather than individual slides.
- PowerPoint presentations are comprised of a number of individual pages, or "slides. " The "slide" analogy is a reference to slide projectors.
- Unlike slide projectors however, which only projected static images, slides in PowerPoint are more dynamic.
- The slides can also be used as the basis for a webcast.
- After designing the individual slides for your presentation, you can control the presentation by pre-programming the transitions from one slide to another with the exact timing you want.
- Or, you can advance the slides manually as you speak about each.
- Normal view - Blank Presentation template: The blank presentation template provides placeholders for title and sub-title on the first slide, and additional placeholders for the title on each blank slide.
- Select the "bulleted list" or "two-column list" slide (from the pre-designed slide formats).
- Make sure to re-size the images to best fit the slide.
- You can also record your own audio to add to a slide.
- You can choose different types of transitions to move between slides.
- A slideshow is an on-screen presentation of information and/or ideas presented on slides.
- Before the advent of motion pictures, slides originally were projected onto a theater screen by magic lanterns.
- Slideshows were later conducted using apparatuses such as a carousel slide or overhead projector.
- The relevant points and imagery of the entire presentation are placed on slides and accompanied by a spoken monologue.
- Consumer uses of slideshows include personal screensavers, and digital photo slides for display.
- Love it or hate it, PowerPoint, or PowerPoint type slides, are the most common form of visual aid seen during a presentation.
- Use two slides rather than cramming too much information into one.
- Be consistent with your "theme" throughout the presentation (i.e., do not use a different theme for each slide).
- Minimize the number of lines to no more than six lines per slide with six words per line.
- →Overcrowding slides is common and can be easily avoided by limiting the amount of text.
- A general standard is to make sure that all PowerPoint slides are at least 18-point font to ensure that audience members in the back row will be able to read your presentation.
- Try to keep the amount of information on each slide to a minimum and use only what is necessary to convey the key point of the visual aid or slide.
- Additionally, try to keep the number of slides or visual aids in your presentation to a minimum.
- A rule of thumb is to use each slide in a PowerPoint for 30 seconds to a minute of your presentation.
- On the other hand, others believe it has created its own mind-set which forces presenters to spend countless hours thinking in PowerPoint and developing slides.
- Easily re-order presentation: with a simple drag and drop or using key strokes, you can move slides to re-order the presentation.
- Audience Size: PowerPoint slides are generally easier to see by a large audience when projected than other visual aids.
- PowerPoint excess: some speakers create presentations so they have slides to present rather than outlining, organizing, and focusing on the message.
- Basic equipment required: you will need to have a computer and projection equipment in place to display the slides to the audience.
- You can consider at least two basics of timing---the amount of time that it takes to deliver the speech and how to time use of visual aids such as Power Point slides for presentations-- and timing as a feature of the rate of delivery.
- When working with Power Point you can control when each slide is projected for the audience by pre-programming to advance each slide while you speak.
- The timing from one slide to the next will occur as you have programmed it without you being near the computer to control the slides.
- However, you must speak about each slide for the rehearsed amount of time or your slides will not synchronize with the speech.