Kerala Ayurveda Academy 46500 Fremont Boulevard, Suite 702 Fremont, CA 94538 888.275.9103
General Information
General information
Public or private
Type of school
Vocational school that provides instruction in Ayurveda, an Indian holistic system of healing.
Degrees offered
School accreditation
Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
Specialized accreditation
National Ayurvedic Medical Association
School setting
Urban (in a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area
Population of city the school is in
Student parking on campus
School visits
School visit availability
Business hours; weekdays and weekends
Contact to set up school visit
Suzanne Otterbein; 978.468.3099
Program costs
Tuition is $5,500 for the Ayurveda Wellness Counselor program. Tuition is $6,800 for the Ayurveda Wellness Practitioner Program, including books and materials. Administration and management fees are not included in tuition.
Tuition rates vary by
Academic program/major
Tuition refund policy
Sliding scale; see the catalog for details.
Tuition payment plans available
Installment plan (you can pay tuition in several payments over the course of the term)
Pre-payment plan (if you pay your entire tuition when you enroll, you don't have to pay higher prices if tuition increases)
Tuition guarantee (you aren't affected by tuition increases; the tuition you pay your first year is the amount you pay all years)