STAND-ALONE version [3/21/18]
Mindfulness Training Centers

Below are training centers and resources which offer mindfulness training beyond what is offered by a standard 8-week MBSR class, for those interested in learning to teach mindfulness and/or expand their practice and understanding. Completion of the Palouse Mindfulness online course qualifies as a prerequisite for some, but not all of these training programs. Although most of these programs are included here after a graduate has shared their successful experience with me, a program's inclusion on this list is not an endorsement.

A note for those who teach, or wish to teach mindfulness skills:

Some, but not all, of the training programs mentioned above allow the Palouse Mindfulness course to serve as a prerequisite for further training. If you do complete the Palouse Mindfulness course, the Certificate of Completion documents that you have successfully completed this particular 8-week online course, but it is not a certification to teach MBSR. This doesn't mean that you can't use what you've learned in your work and/or teaching, it just means you cannot call yourself a "certified MBSR instructor" on the basis of this one 8-week online course alone.

That being said, there are many talented people who effectively incorporate mindfulness into their teaching or work who are not certified in a formal way from one of these training centers. They are typically omnivores, finding training from varied sources, from videos, articles, books, or whatever in-person workshops they can find in their area, building on the skills they already have in their own areas of expertise. Whether or not you pursue a certificate specific to teaching mindfulness, you are welcome to use whatever you find on the Palouse Mindfulness site, free of charge, for your own work and/or teaching. All I ask is that you let people know it came from, and that it is a free resource, so that they can find other materials on their own.