Merely touching, referring to a tangent, only indirectly related.
Examples of tangential in the following topics:
Angular Acceleration, Alpha
- This acceleration is called tangential acceleration, at.
- Tangential acceleration refers to changes in the magnitude of velocity but not its direction.
- Tangential acceleration at is directly related to the angular acceleration and is linked to an increase or decrease in the velocity (but not its direction).
- Centripetal and tangential acceleration are thus perpendicular to each other.
- This acceleration is called tangential acceleration.
Overview of Non-Uniform Circular Motion
- We need a tangential force to affect the change in the magnitude of a tangential velocity.
- The corresponding acceleration is called tangential acceleration.
Ideal Conductors
- The electric field (Etan) and electric flux density (Dtan) tangential to the surface of a conductor must be equal to 0.
- This is because any such field or flux that is tangential to the surface of the conductor must also exist inside the conductor, which by definition touches the tangential field or density at one point.
Tangent and Velocity Problems
- Instantaneous velocity is always tangential to trajectory.
- The green line shows the tangential line of the position-time curve at a particular time.
Embryonic Development of the Brain
- An example of tangential migration is the movement of Cajal-Retzius cells from the cortical hem to the superfitial part of cortical neuroepithelium.
- Most interneurons migrate tangentially through multiple modes of migration to reach their appropriate location in the cortex.
- An example of tangential migration is the movement of Cajal-Retzius cells from the cortical hem to the superfitial part of cortical neuroepithelium.
Scoping Your Speech
- The evidence and supporting arguments should not only be related tangentially; there should be direct lines of relevance to every piece of information included in your speech.
The Evaluating Stage
- Having a clear understanding of a speaker's message allows a listener to evaluate that message without getting bogged down in ambiguities or spending unnecessary time and energy addressing points that may be tangential or otherwise nonessential.
Angular Momentum Transport
- The viscous torque is the product of the viscous stress in the tangential direction, the area upon which the stress acts (the half-height of the disk is $h$) and the radius.
Projecting Vectors Onto Other Vectors
- We did this, in effect, when we computed the tangential force of gravity on a simple pendulum.
Lagrange Multiplers
- When the contour line for $g = c$ meets contour lines of $f$ tangentially we neither increase nor decrease the value of $f$—that is, when the contour lines touch but do not cross.
- Where the Lagrange multiplier $\lambda=0$ we can have a local extremum and the two contours cross instead of meeting tangentially.