informal discrimination
discrimination that involves social pressures against LBGTQ behaviors and identities
Examples of informal discrimination in the following topics:
The Discriminant
- The discriminant of a polynomial is a function of its coefficients that reveals information about the polynomial's roots.
- The discriminant of a quadratic function is a function of its coefficients that reveals information about its roots.
- The discriminant $\Delta =b^2-4ac$ is the portion of the quadratic formula under the square root.
- Using $1$ as the value of $a$, $-1$ as the value of $b$, and $-2$ as the value of $c$, the discriminant of this function can be determined as follows:
- Explain how and why the discriminant can be used to find the number of real roots of a quadratic equation
- Homophobia is observable in critical and hostile behavior like discrimination and violence.
- Homophobia, or the fear of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals, is often the impetus for discrimination, which can be expressed through either institutional or informal means.
- Institutional discrimination involves the state apparatus.
- Many instances of homophobia and discrimination occur by informal means.
- Describe the phenomenon of homophobia (both institutional and informal) and the implications it has for LGBTQ individuals in modern-day America
Elasticity Conditions for Price Discrimination
- An example of price discrimination would be the cost of movie tickets.
- Industries use price discrimination as a way to increase revenue.
- It is not important that pricing information be restricted, or that the price discriminated groups be unaware that others are being charged different prices:
- The pharmaceutical industry experiences international price discrimination.
- Academic textbooks are another industry known for price discrimination.
Price Discrimination
- Although price discrimination is the producer's or seller's legal attempt to charge varying prices for the same product based on consumer demand, price discrimination can be illegal in some cases.
- In theoretical markets there exists perfect information, no transaction costs, and perfect substitutes.
- In third degree discrimination, it is not always advantageous to discriminate.
- Price discrimination in intellectual property is also enforced by law and by technology.
- Construct the concept of price discrimination relative to legal concerns in pricing
Age Discrimination and Health Act
- Under this act both employees and applicants who are 40 years old or over are protected from employment discrimination based on their age.
- The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age.
- It is also unlawful to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate based on age or for filing an age discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or litigation under the ADEA.
- However, because such inquiries may deter older workers from applying for employment or may otherwise indicate possible intent to discriminate based on age, requests for age information will be closely scrutinized to make sure that the inquiry was made for a lawful purpose, rather than for a purpose prohibited by the ADEA.
- Explain how the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects individuals
Gender Inequality in Health Care
- Gender discrimination in health care manifests itself primarily as the difference that men and women pay for their insurance premium.
- Gender discrimination in health care manifests primarily as the amount of money one pays for insurance premiums—the amount paid per month in order to be covered by insurance.
- Fewer than ten state governments prohibit gender discrimination in insurance premiums.
- Gender discrimination in health care could be changing in the United States.
- Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (informally called "Obamacare"), passed under President Barack Obama in 2010, insurance companies would be prohibited from charging men and women differently.
Discrimination Against Individuals
- Controversial attempts have been made to redress negative effects of discrimination.
- Unfair discrimination usually follows the gender stereotypes held by a society.
- Reverse discrimination is a term referring to discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, including the city or state, or in favor of members of a minority or historically disadvantaged group.
- Reverse discrimination may also be used to highlight the discrimination inherent in affirmative action programs.
- Give an example of discrimination and reverse discrimination using examples of religious, gender, or racial prejudice
Analysis of Price Discrimination
- The goal of price discrimination is for the seller to make the most profit possible .
- In commerce there are three types of price discrimination that exist.
- Price discrimination is a driving force in commerce.
- Many examples of price discrimination are present throughout commerce including:
- Gender based prices: uses price discrimination based on gender.
How Income is Allocated
- Discrimination and favoritism in the workplace has continued to limit advancement of minority groups and women, but evidence reveals that wage related impacts to marginalized groups diminish with the increase in educational attainment.
- The market for labor is not completely transparent, competition is imperfect, information unevenly distributed, opportunities to acquire education and skills unequal, and since many such imperfect conditions exist in virtually every market, there is in fact little presumption that markets are in general efficient.
- Government can also place regulations of hiring and firing practices to address issues such as discrimination.
Examples of Price Discrimination
- There are three types of price discrimination:
- ): price discrimination is also prevalent within the publishing industry.
- Methods of price discrimination include:
- For example, a Ladies Night at a bar is a form of price discrimination.
- These graphs show multiple market price discrimination.