Vocational school that offers a certificate in Fine Art Photography.
School accreditation
Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board and Accredited through the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD)
School setting
Urban (in a large city)
School visits
School visit availability
The school is open to the public Monday-Thursday 12-9 pm and Saturday-Sunday 12-6 pm.
Contact to set up school visit
To schedule a visit regarding education programs, contact Jennifer Brendicke, Registrar, at 206.720.7222, ext 14 or jbrendicke@pcnw.org
Program costs
The estimated cost of completing the three-year certificate program in Fine Art Photography is $22,775 including tuition, fees, materials, books, equipment, etc.
Tuition payment plans available
Installment plan (you can pay tuition in several payments over the course of the term)