The Northwest Energy Efficiency Council is an authorized provider of the Building Operator Certification (BOC) program. BOC is a nationally recognized training and certification program for building operators offering improved job skills and more comfortable energy efficient facilities.
Degrees offered
School accreditation
Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board; NEEC is also authorized by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training to offer the BOC program.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider
Training is offered at various locations in Washington. Visit the BOC website ( ) to find out where and when new classes will be held.
Tuition is $1,895 for the Level I and II training and includes registration fee, course handbooks, facility project assignments, and certification recognition materials. An optional Certification Exam is available and is $285.
Tuition guarantee (you aren't affected by tuition increases; the tuition you pay your first year is the amount you pay all years)
Tuition waivers available to
A $100 discount off an entire course series tuition is available to members of the Washington Association of Maintenance and Operations Administrators (WAMOA) and the Washington Society of Healthcare Engineers (WSSHE).