Home page

Antioch University (external link)

School Name and Address

Contact for more information

Antioch University
2400 Third Avenue, Suite 200
Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98121
Main telephone 206.441.5352
Website http://www.antiochseattle.edu/ (external link)
Request more information https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/ask-ause/ (external link)

General Information (external link)

General information

Educational system Antioch University
Public or private Private
Type of school University
Antioch University in Seattle is a university offering undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, and doctoral degrees and certificates.
Date founded 1975
Degrees offered Certificate or diploma, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate
School accreditation North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider Some programs; see program descriptions

School setting

Setting Urban (in a large city)
County King

School visits

Visitor information website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/visit-ause/ (external link)

Additional information

Most classes are in the afternoons, evenings, or on weekends. The school offers bachelor's, master's of arts, and master's of science degrees. The Doctor of Psychology degree prepares students to become licensed psychologists. Some interdisciplinary, certificate, and post-graduate certificate programs are also available. All programs of study include both core courses and specialized areas of concentration.

Student Body


Total number of undergraduate students 103
Total enrollment 103

Racial-ethnic background of undergraduate students

American Indian/Alaskan Native Less than 1%
Asian 3%
Black 2%
Hispanic 7%
Multiracial 2%
White 40%
Race/ethnicity unknown 40%
These figures reflect responses of people who chose to indicate their racial-ethnic background. All categories except Hispanic represent non-Hispanic students. International students are not included in these figures so they may not add up to 100 percent.

Out-of-state students

Number of states and territories represented 9

International students

Number of countries represented 1

Age of students

Percentage of students 25 or older 5%

Costs (external link)

Annual costs for full-time undergraduate students
(Costs are for the 2018-2019 academic year. Full-time costs are based on 36-quarter credits per year.)

In-state tuition $21,600
Out-of-state tuition $21,600
Fees $435
Cost information website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/admissions-aid/financial-aid/tuition-and-fees/ (external link)
Tuition per credit is $600 for undergraduates. Most full-time students are enrolled for 12 credits per quarter.

Tuition rates vary by

Academic program/major
Class load (number of credits taken)
Degree level (e.g., certificate, associate, bachelor's)

Tuition payment plans available

Installment plan (you can pay tuition in several payments over the course of the term)

Tuition waivers available to

School employees and their children

Financial Aid (external link)

Contact for counseling or more information

Katy Stahl
Director of Financial Aid
Financial aid office website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/admissions-aid/financial-aid (external link)
Scholarship list website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/admissions-aid/financial-aid/scholarships-and-grants/ (external link)

Applying for financial aid

Submit these forms FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Application deadline (for fall term) April 15

Financial aid programs at this school

Need-based scholarships and grants
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
Privately-sponsored scholarships and grants
School-sponsored scholarships and grants
State-sponsored scholarships and grants
United Negro College Fund
Washington State financial aid programs are available to Washington residents.
Student employment
Work study

Admissions (external link)

Contact for more information

Steve Weir
Director of Admissions
Admissions office website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/admissions-aid/admissions/ (external link)
Electronic application website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/apply-to-ause/ (external link)

Education required for admission

High school education High school diploma required and GED accepted.

Application requirements

Online application available https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/apply-to-ause/ (external link)
Application fee $50 paper or $25 online
Submit these items:
Written essay or personal statement Required for all students

Other admissions information

Accepted students can defer admission for a period of time

Credits accepted for transfer students

Military service

Academics (external link)

Degrees offered

Certificate or diploma

School catalog

School catalog website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/resources (external link)
Academic index website http://www.antiochseattle.edu/academics/ (external link)

Faculty and instruction

Academic calendar Quarters

Graduation requirements

Required number of credits for a bachelor's degree 180 credits

Attendance options

Summer school

Alternative credit opportunities

http://www.antiochseattle.edu/continuing-education/ (external link)


Computer lab available to students


Main library name Antioch Seattle Library

Student Services

Services for students with disabilities

Jill Haddaway
Disabilities services website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/resources/students/students-with-disabilities/ (external link)

Additional services available for these groups


Career Services

Contact for more information

Career services website https://www.antioch.edu/seattle/resources/students/my-career-planner/ (external link)

Graduate Study

Contact for more information

Eileen Knight
Recruitment and Admissions Director


Total number of undergraduate students 103
Total enrollment 103

Costs for full-time graduate students
(Costs are for the 2017-2018 academic year. Full-time costs are based on 24 credits per year.)

In-state tuition* $15,120
Out-of-state tuition* $15,120
* Tuition may vary by program
Tuition varies by program and credit load. Tuition cited above is for the Master of Education degree which is $630 per credit. Full-time status requires six credits per quarter minimum.

Educational programs (external link)

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