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Metal and Jewelry Arts


Programs in the metal and jewelry arts teach people how to use gems, stones, and precious metals to create art works.

In metal and jewelry arts programs students learn:

After mastering basic skills, students take studio classes in:


Metal and jewelry arts are often a concentration within a major in art or fine arts. In metal and jewelry arts programs, students may be able to specialize in:


Most metal and jewelry arts programs will be through fine arts programs or independent art schools.

A few community colleges and independent art schools offer associate degree programs in metal and jewelry arts. An associate degree program usually takes two years to complete.

Several independent art schools, colleges, and universities offer Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree programs in metal and jewelry arts. A BFA usually takes about four to five years of full-time study.

Several universities offer Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degrees in metal and jewelry arts. A master's degree typically requires two years of study beyond a bachelor's degree.

See schools that offer this program.

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Program Admission

You can prepare for this program by taking courses in high school that prepare you for college. This typically includes four years of English, three years of math, three years of social studies, and two years of science. Some colleges also require two years of a second language.

Many programs require you to submit separate application materials in addition to your general college application. Usually you have to complete preliminary art courses, write a personal statement, and submit a portfolio of your work.

Below is a list of high school courses that will help prepare you for this program of study:

Graduate Admissions

The best way to find graduate programs in this area is to find Fine Arts departments at four-year schools and determine if this program is offered.

Admission to graduate programs is competitive. You need a bachelor's degree, good grades, good test scores, and a developing portfolio of project work.

Additional requirements at some schools include:

Typical Course Work

Program Courses

This program typically includes courses in the following subjects:

Graduate Program Courses

Graduate programs in metal and jewelry arts typically require:

Things to Know

Students in this program usually buy their own tools.

You can begin developing your portfolio in high school with hobby and project work. As your skills develop, your portfolio improves.

Independent art schools may focus more intensively on studio work and career preparation. Colleges and universities typically require general courses in addition to studio art requirements.

Most people with degrees in metal and jewelry art and design become independent artists and teachers. Many local arts and craft centers, as well as community colleges, offer metalsmithing and jewelry-making courses to the public. In addition, some work for other established artists until they are ready to branch out on their own.

In many cases you have to pay a fee in addition to regular course tuition. The fee covers the cost of materials, which include metals, stones, and energy used to fire kilns.

Many programs offer personal studio space to BFA students. Usually this is for junior- and senior-level students.

Most programs require that you display your finished pieces in a showing at the school's local gallery. Some schools allow you to sell your work in shows that are open to the public.


King-Snohomish Area

North Seattle College

Vancouver Area

Clark College