Examples of exurbanization in the following topics:
- Counterurbanization is movement away from cities, including suburbanization, exurbanization, or movement to rural areas.
- Around 1990, another trend emerged, called exurbanization: upper class city dwellers moved out of the city, beyond the suburbs, to live in high-end housing in the countryside.
- This exurbanization may be a new urban form.
- Although most exurbs are commuter towns, most commuter towns are not exurban.
- In the United States, exurban areas typically have much higher college education levels than closer-in suburbs, though this is not necessarily the case in other countries.
- For example, during the "dot com" bubble of the late twentieth century, housing prices in California cities skyrocketed, spawning exurban growth in adjacent counties.
- Around 1990, another trend emerged known as counterurbanization, or "exurbanization".