The transfer of a business function to an external service provider
Examples of outsourcing in the following topics:
- The term can also mean government outsourcing of services or functions to private firms, e.g. revenue collection, law enforcement, and prison management.
- An outsourcing deal may also involve transfer of the employees and assets involved to the outsourcing business partner.
- Union busting is one possible cause of outsourcing .
- However, outsourcing is not solely a U.S. phenomenon as corporations in various nations with low tax rates outsource as well, which means that high taxation can only partially, if at all, explain US outsourcing.
- For example, the amount of corporate outsourcing in 1950 would be considerably lower than today, yet the tax rate was actually higher in 1950.
The Impact of Court Decisions
- Privatization is government outsourcing of services or functions to private firms.
- While international trade has been practiced throughout much of history, its economic, social, and political importance have become increasingly relevant in recent times, mainly due to industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, the growth of multinational corporations, and outsourcing .
- Issues currently associated with international trade are: intellectual property rights, in that creations of the mind for which exclusive rights are recognized in law are considered essential for economic growth; smuggling, especially as it relates to human and drug trafficking; outsourcing, the contracting out of business processes to another country, generally one with lower wages; fair trade, which promotes the use of labor, environmental, and social standards for the production of commodities; and trade sanctions, in which punitive economic measures are taken against a defaulting country.