Functions of the Cerebellum in Integrating Movements
Zones and microzones in the cerebellum
This schematic illustration of the structure of zones and microzones in the cerebellum shows three levels of magnification. These zones and microzones help explain the modular nature of the cerebellar function. On the left is a simplified illustration of what the cerebellar cortex would look like if all the folds were straightened out—the vertical dimension is the rostro-caudal axis of the cerebellum, the horizontal dimension is the medio-lateral axis. A zone is a longitudinally oriented strip of the cortex, and a microzone is a thin, longitudinally oriented portion of a zone. As the illustration on the right shows, Purkinje cell dendritic trees are flattened in a way that aligns with the microzone length, and parallel fibers cross the microzones at right angles.
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