interosseous membrane
A broad and thin plane of fibrous tissue that separates many of the bones of the body.
Examples of interosseous membrane in the following topics:
Interosseous Membranes
- An interosseous membrane is a broad and thin plane of fibrous tissue that separates many of the bones of the body.
- The interosseous membrane is a type of connective tissue found between certain bones in the body.
- The long bones of the lower arm and the leg both have attached interosseous membranes.
- The interosseous membrane in the arm extends between the radius and the ulna in the lower arm .
- This image shows the interosseous membrane connecting the radius and the ulna.
- A syndesmosis is a type of articulation or joint in which two adjacent bones are joined by an interosseous membrane.
- The interosseous membrane is a type of connective tissue found between certain bones, such as those in syndesmosis joints.
- For example, the long bones of the lower arm and the leg both have attached interosseous membranes.
- In the leg, the interosseous membrane extends between the tibia and the fibula, running along the crests of the bones.
- The interosseous membrane in the lower arm extends between the radius and the ulna.
Ulna and Radius (The Forearm)
- The space between the two bones is spanned by the interosseous membrane.
Tibia and Fibula (The Leg)
- Both are bound together with the interosseous membrane.
Membrane Potentials as Signals
- Membrane potential (also transmembrane potential or membrane voltage) is the difference in electrical potential between the interior and the exterior of a biological cell.
- The membrane serves as both an insulator and a diffusion barrier to the movement of ions.
- Ion transporter/pump proteins actively push ions across the membrane to establish concentration gradients across the membrane, and ion channels allow ions to move across the membrane down those concentration gradients, a process known as facilitated diffusion.
- The membrane potential has two basic functions.
- Signals are generated by opening or closing of ion channels at one point in the membrane, producing a local change in the membrane potential that causes electric current to flow rapidly to other points in the membrane.
Epithelial Membranes
- The mucous membranes are linings of ectodermal origin.
- These mucus membranes are involved in absorption and secretion.
- These membranes exist in the hollow organs of the digestive, respiratory, and urogenital tracts.
- The term "mucous membrane" refers to where they are found in the body; not every mucous membrane secretes mucus.
- Most mucous membranes contain stratified squamous or simple columnar epithelial tissue.
Basement Membranes and Diseases
- The basement membrane anchors epithelium to the connective tissue beneath it.
- The two layers are collectively known as the basement membrane.
- The basement membrane is also essential for angiogenesis (development of new blood vessels).
- Basement membrane proteins have been found to accelerate differentiation of endothelial cells.
- Some diseases result from a poorly-functioning basement membrane.
Resting Membrane Potentials
- The potential difference in a resting neuron is called the resting membrane potential.
- The potential difference in a resting neuron is called the resting membrane potential.
- This causes the membrane to be polarized.
- The value of the resting membrane potential varies from -40mV to -90mV in a different types of neurons.
- The resting membrane potential exists only across the membrane.
The Action Potential and Propagation
- Action potential is a brief reversal of membrane potential where the membrane potential changes from -70mV to +30mV.
- When the membrane potential of the axon hillock of a neuron reaches threshold, a rapid change in membrane potential occurs in the form of an action potential.
- This moving change in membrane potential has three phases.
- As additional sodium rushes in, the membrane potential actually reverses its polarity.
- As a result, the membrane permeability to sodium declines to resting levels.
Serous Membranes
- Serous membranes line and enclose serous cavities, where they secrete a lubricating fluid which reduces friction from muscle movement.
- In anatomy, a serous membrane (or serosa) is a smooth membrane consisting of a thin layer of cells, which secrete serous fluid, and a thin connective tissue layer.
- Each serous membrane is composed of a secretory epithelial layer and a connective tissue layer underneath.
- Therefore, each organ becomes surrounded by serous membrane; they do not lie within the serous cavity.
- Describe the function of the serous membranes in the pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal cavities