A central idea in evolutionary biology; describes the ability to both survive and reproduce.
Examples of fitness in the following topics:
Barrier Methods
- A cervical cap fits over the cervix and blocks sperm from entering the uterus .
- A fitting appointment with a health care professional is necessary to determine which size a woman should wear.
- A correctly fitting diaphragm will cover the cervix and rest snugly against the pelvis bone.
- Diaphragms should be re-fitted after any pregnancy of 14 weeks or longer or after a change in weight of 10 pounds or more.
- Similar to cervical caps, diaphragms are fitted inside a woman's vagina to block access of sperm to the uterus and Fallopian tubes
Types of Synovial Joints
- A hinge joint (ginglymus) is formed when the cylindrical end of a bone fits into a trough-shaped surface of another bone, like that of an elbow joint (between the humerus and the ulna).
- In a pivot joint the rounded end of the bone fits into a sleeve or ring of bone.
- The condyloid joint occurs where an egg-shaped suface of a bone fits into a concavity in another bone.
- Hip joint: the ball of the femur head fits in the socket of the acetabulum of the pelvis.
Stability and Range of Motion at Synovial Joints
Exercise and Pregnancy
- Regular aerobic exercise during pregnancy appears to improve (or maintain) physical fitness.
Extremes in Blood Pressure
- For some people who exercise and are in top physical condition, hypotension is a sign of good health and fitness.
Types of Muscle Tissue
- The striations are fitted together with unique junctions called intercalated disks, specialized junctions that help in the transmission of electrical impulses so the heart can beat in a steady rhythm.
Erectile Dysfunction and the Blue Pill
- Additional treatments for ED are varied and include a purpose-designed external vacuum pump used to attain erection, with a separate compression ring fitted to the penis to maintain it.
- More drastically, inflatable or rigid penile implants may be fitted surgically.
Effects of Exercise on the Heart
- Aerobic conditioning and cardiovascular fitness are determining factors in athletic performance in events with a duration greater than two minutes.
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
- Tight-fitting clothing, such as tights and thong underwear, do not appear to increase the risk.
Gastrointestinal Reflex Pathways
- These hormones fall into three major categories: the gastrin family, the secretin family, and a third family composed of the remaining hormones that fit into neither of the these two families.