1. Reminder: Like the Horn in F, the English Horn transposes down a perfect 5th .
Transposition Scorereading Assignment
Like the Horn in F, the English Horn transposes down a perfect 5th.
2. Silently scan the first 8 bars. Imagine yourself confidently playing this passage well.
3. Videotape yourself blocking the broken triad found in the English Horn part in measure 5. Use the proper hand and play in the proper octave. After you've blocked it, put your hand in your lap. Find and block the chord 3 additional times, pausing in between each one. Once you have found the chord, do not look at your hand.
4. Videotape yourself singing and playing the LH. Count 1 measure before you start. Pause and do this 2 more times, for a total of 3 times. If you make a mistake, keep going. The pause between repetitions should be silent, to allow you to think through how you did. Use the fingering indicated.
5. Videotape yourself singing the RH while playing the LH. Count 1 measure before you start. Pause and do this 4 more times, for a total of 5 times. If you make a mistake, keep going. The pause between repetitions should be silent, to allow you to think through how you did.
6. Videotape yourself playing BH 8 times, counting off before each repetition and pausing after each repetition. Use the fingering indicated if it helps you. If you play it 100% correctly, you can stop after 5 repetitions (Congratulations! ), otherwise, do all 8.
7. Silently scan measures 9-16. What compositional device does Mozart use in m. 9-`11? What pianistic challenge is present here? Notice the fingering that has been provided to help you.
8. Videotape yourself playing measure 9 to the downbeat of measure 14, both hands together. Do it until there are 3 consecutive correct repetitions. Count 1 measure before starting and pause between each repetition.
9. If you were unable to complete step 8, play measures 9 to 11. Do this 10 times, counting off before and pausing after each repetition, then return to step 8 and try again.
10. Still struggling? This time try measures 9 to the downbeat of measure 12. Do this 10 times, counting off before and pausing after each repetition, then return to step 8 and try again.
11. Play the entire Menuetto, with repeats, both hands together, counting off before you start. As usual, if you make a mistake, keep going.
12. Great practicing! Keep it up. Ambitious people, or those who want to try it on their own, work through the Trio of this piece in a similar fashion.