Examples of recall in the following topics:
- Unpredictable forces such as mass contamination can lead to product recalls, and the modification or destruction of large quantities of products.
- In 2007, millions of toys manufactured in China were recalled due to discoveries of lead paint and fears of lead poisoning in children.
- Product recalls, which can happen at any stage of a product life cycle, are costly and can severely damage a brand's reputation if managed poorly.
- Two components comprise brand awareness: brand recall and the consumer recognition of the brand.
- Brand recall is the ability of consumers to remember brands with reference to the product.
- This is when a person tries to search their memory to see whether they recall past experiences with a product, brand, or service.
- The act gives the CPSC the power to develop safety standards and pursue recalls for products that present unreasonable or substantial risks of injury or death to consumers.
- Recall formulas for calculating profit maximizing output quantity and marginal profit
- Mass product recalls are examples of company efforts to limit liability or avoid costly legal penalties due to corporate negligence.
- It quickly ordered that Tylenol be recalled from every outlet, not just those in the state where it had been tampered with.
- Consequently, an additional strength of personal selling is that measuring effectiveness and determining the return on investment are far more straightforward for personal selling than for other marketing communication tools, where recall or attitude change is often the only measurable effect.
- If you recall, the “Nice Tea” brief promised “individuality”: “Nice Tea flavors are as unique as you.”