Examples of frequency in the following topics:
- Unless you have water rights and can obtain additional water, opt for less reach and more frequency.
- Frequency is the average number of times your ads will be shown to an individual or household.
- Reach can be calculated indirectly as: reach = GRPs / average frequency.
- Sometimes, reach and frequency are terms generally used when planning advertising campaigns.
- When faced with decisions of reach vs. frequency, this rule of thumb is helpful to remember: Reach without Frequency = Wasted Money
- Situational Factors: Products that can easily conform to and enrich a consumer's lifestyle tend to be consumed with more frequency and involvement.
- Influencers are sometimes ranked according to six criteria: market reach (how many people the influencer will connect with), independence (no vested interest in product), frequency of impact, expertise, persuasiveness, and thoroughness (the extent to which influence is exerted across the decision lifecycle).
- Today, many of the ethical issues arising from consumer health and safety concerns have led to practices that prevent or reduce the frequency of unethical behavior in companies.
- Marketing Strategy- segmented - product mix, perceptual mapping, product life cycle, branding information, customer, geographic, distribution channels, pricing, discounts and allowances, price elasticity and customer sensibility promotional goals advertising reach that includes frequency, flights, theme and media types, electronic and online promotions, public relations, word of mouth (buzz marketing), viral opportunities,
- Stating objectives like reach or the number of different persons exposed, frequency of times the consumer is exposed to a message, and timing of media assertions over the course of the campaign.
- Firms hope that a consideration of ethical issues during the decision-making process will be helpful in preventing or at least decreasing the frequency of unethical behavior.
- Frequency: The number of times within a given time period that a consumer is exposed to a message.
- When a client says, “We want to increase purchase frequency from one to
three bottles of water per month,” they have established a measurable goal, or metric, which determines
whether or not their business and promotional activities were successful.