Working with Bookstores
At Boundless, we want to remove all barriers to institutions adopting our content. We've learned that this means forming a relationship with university bookstores. Students on financial aid packages typically need to purchase their books through the school bookstore in order to use their funds, which means we need to be able to sell our products through university bookstores.
Access Codes
If you want your bookstore to carry Boundless materials, you can put in a request for a certain number of access codes. Access codes are one-time use passes to a Boundless course. If a student buys an access code ($29.99), they can use it to enter their Boundless course, and receive the same benefits (lifetime access, e-reader, study tools, assignments) as anyone who paid for Boundless with a credit card. We will invoice your institution periodically based on the number of access codes used, rather than the number initially purchased.
Price Point
Boundless is always $29.99 for students. When we work with a bookstore, we will give them a percentage of that $29.99, rather than marking up our prices.