Examples of political socialization in the following topics:
- Political socialization takes place throughout the life cycle, but major life or political events can also impact political values.
- Parents appear to be a primary source of political socialization and partisanship.
- Political socialization takes place throughout the course of a person's life.
- Major historical or political events, such as September 11th, can impact the political socialization and the formation of political values for an entire generation.
- Explain how parents, social groups and major life events are sources for political socialization
- Certain groups are socialized to a more active role in politics, while others are marginalized.
- Wealthier and more highly educated people tend to have more opportunities to be socialized to political values.
- Education has the strongest impact on participation, as it socializes people to the political system.
- These groups have not experienced as much political socialization as other groups.
- There are significant differences in the way that males and females are socialized to politics.
- People form political values throughout their life cycle through different agents of political socialization, including family, media, and education.
- Political socialization is a concept concerning the "study of the developmental processes by which children of all ages (12 to 30) and adolescents acquire political cognition, attitudes, and behaviors".
- The following agents of Socialization influence to different degrees an individual's political opinions:
- Children learn political values through political socialization.
- Explain the agents of socialization that inform the individual's political values
- Political knowledge, in addition to political socialization and major events, impact the formation of people's political values and opinions.
- While it is known that agents of political socialization (such as family, peers, church, and school) and major life and political events impact political values and public opinion, some argue that political knowledge plays a large role as well.
- The formation of public opinion assumes that Americans know enough about political issues to shape opinions based on political knowledge.
- Some people are that political values are formed as a result of political knowledge.
- Researching two political candidates, as illustrated in this flyer, help increase political knowledge.
- Describe how and why political opportunities are important to social movements according to political opportunity theory.
- Democratic socialism combines the political philosophy of democracy with the economic philosophy of socialism.
- Democratic socialism combines the political philosophy of democracy with the economic philosophy of socialism.
- On one end, democratic socialism may combine a democratic national political system with a national economy based on socialist principles.
- Democratic socialism contrasts with political movements that resort to authoritarian means to achieve a transition to socialism.
- The term has also been used by various historians to describe the ideal of economic socialism in an established political democracy.
- The higher one's social class, the higher their levels of political participation and political influence.
- Educational attainment, an indicator of social class, can predict political participation.
- Social class impacts one's level of political participation and political influence.
- Those who vote as members of a social class can be said to be participating in identity politics.
- Some groups have combined identity politics and Marxist social class analysis and class consciousness.
- Political Process Theory, sometimes also known as the Political Opportunity Theory,is an approach to social movements heavily influenced by political sociology.
- It argues that the success or failure of social movements is primarily affected by political opportunities.
- Political Process Theory is similar to resource mobilization theory (which considers the mobilization of resources to be the key ingredient of a successful movement) in many regards, and emphasizes political opportunities as the social structure that is important for social movement development.
- One of the advantages of the political process theory is that it addresses the issue of timing of the emergence of social movements.
- One of the advantages of the political process theory is that it addresses the issue of timing or emergence of social movements.
- It consists of social relations involving authority or power, the regulation of political units, and the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply social policy.
- " How social inequality between groups (class, race, gender, etc.) influences politics
- How public personalities, social movements, and trends outside of the formal institutions of political power affect formal politics
- It also explored how various social forces work together to change political policies.
- Social class analysis emphasizes the political power of capitalist elites.
- Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions.
- The term is generally applied to behaviour within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all human group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions.
- It consists of social relations involving authority or power, the regulation of political units, and the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply social policy.