Examples of dub in the following topics:
- The two major heart sounds are "lub" (from the closure of AV valves) and "dub: (from the closure of aortic and pulmonary valves).
- This sound may be described as either a "lub" or a "dub" sound.
- The second heart sound, called S2, makes a "dub" sound caused by the closure of the semilunar (aortic and pulmonary) valves following ventricular systole.
- S3 makes a "ta" sound after the "lub-dub" while S4 makes a "ta" sound before the "lub-dub".
- The closing of the heart valves generates the "lub, dub" sounds that can be heard though a stethoscope.
- The ‘lub' sound is made when the atrio ventricular valves close and the ‘dub' sound is made when the semi lunar valves close.
- Whether it's the woof of a dog or the wubwubwub of dub step, onomatopoeia captures that sound within a representational word.
- Dubbed the Ostend Manifesto, it was immediately
denounced in both Northern U.S. states and Europe.
- American Free-Soilers, recently angered by the Fugitive Slave
Law (passed as part of the Compromise of 1850), decried the Manifesto, dubbed
by Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune as “The Manifesto of the Brigands”,
- His supply-side economic policies, dubbed "Reaganomics", advocated reducing tax rates to spur economic growth, controlling the money supply to reduce inflation, deregulating the economy, and reducing government spending.
- There is widespread agreement that the Rhizaria belong with the Stramenopiles and the Alveolata, in a clade dubbed the SAR supergroup, so that Rhizara is not one of the main eukaryote groups.
- The vivid, unnatural colors led the critic Louis Vauxcelles to derisively dub their works as les Fauves, or "the wild beasts", which the artists then appropriated as the title for their movement.
- But from about 1937 to 1947, a period that has been dubbed the "Great Compression," income inequality in America fell dramatically.
- Often dubbed, "digital natives," these individuals have only known a world with the Internet, and are just as or more comfortable interacting with brands in online rather than offline environments.
- South Carolina, later dubbed the "Rice Kingdom," was one of the first North American colonies to be deliberately founded on slave labor.