Examples of vellum in the following topics:
- Until canvas became the more popular support medium in the 16th century, panels were the normal form of support for a painting not painted directly onto a wall (known as a fresco) or vellum, which was used for miniatures in illuminated manuscripts and paintings for the framing.
- Manuscripts were hand produced on parchments made of animal skins, the highest quality of which was vellum.
- Most illuminated manuscripts were important enough to be written on the best quality of parchment, called vellum.
- Single cards or posters of vellum, leather, or paper were in wider circulation.
- These early chiaroscuro drawings drew in turn on traditions exemplified in late Roman illuminated manuscripts which were drawn on purple-dyed vellum.
- Illuminated manuscripts were written on the best quality of parchment, called vellum.
- The manuscript
comprises 340 folios made of high-quality vellum, and the
unprecedentedly elaborate ornamentation that covers them includes ten
full-page illustrations and text pages that are vibrant with decorated
initials and interlinear miniatures and mark the furthest extension of
the anti-classical and energetic qualities of Insular art.
- Until canvas became the more popular support medium in the 16th century, panels were the normal form of support for a painting not painted directly onto a wall (known as a fresco), or vellum, which was used for miniatures in illuminated manuscripts and paintings for the framing.
- Botanical illustrations became popular in the Renaissance, both as hand tinted woodblock illustrations in books or broadsheets and as tinted ink drawings on vellum or paper.
- The Biblia Pauperum, or Pauper's Bible, was also a popular series that had existed previously in the 14th century as illuminated manuscripts, hand-painted on vellum, before woodcuts took over.