Cable Green joins Creative Commons as Director of Global Learning

Cable Green and family / CC BY

Creative Commons is pleased to welcome Dr. Cable Green as Director of Global Learning. Most recently, Green was the Director of eLearning & Open Education for the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, where he provided leadership on strategic technology planning, openly licensing and sharing digital content, growing and improving online and hybrid learning, and implementing enterprise learning technologies and student support services. One innovative project, the Open Course Library, creates low-cost, digital, openly licensed (CC BY) instructional materials for 81 high impact community college courses. Cable holds a BS (international affairs) from Lewis and Clark College, MPC from Westminster College, and a MA (communication) and PhD (educational technology) from Ohio State University.

As Director of Global Learning at Creative Commons, Green will be responsible for setting strategic direction and priorities to build a global movement that will enable robust and vibrant practices and policies for free sharing of education and learning assets. Cable will lead Creative Commons’ recently-announced project to provide technical assistance to winning grantees of the Department of Labor Trade Adjustment Assistance Community and Career Training Grant program.

“We’re honored and excited to be joined by Cable, and we expect that his experience, passion, and vision for OER will greatly amplify the impact that Creative Commons continues to make in open education around the world,” said Cathy Casserly, CEO of Creative Commons.

Please join us in welcoming Cable to CC!

7 thoughts on “Cable Green joins Creative Commons as Director of Global Learning”

  1. Creative Commons couldn’t have made a better choice and is extremely fortunate. No one can match all that Cable brings to this very important work. I am a real fan of Cable Green. idm

  2. Thanks Israel! You faithfully remind me why open access to high quality, affordable education is SO important for everyone. Thank you for mentoring me on the more important issues during my tenure at the Washington State Board.

  3. Congratulations Cable. I hope the first thing you will do is rename the project, removing the word Global. I want to keep faith in Creative Commons, so will watch for work that is culturally grounded, and sensitive to problems of neo colonialism, even imperialism in all concepts associated to Globalism – issues I raised at OER 2009, and many times since. Regards, Leigh.

  4. Good point Leigh. I’ll ask around at the CC 2011 Summit to see if others share the same concern. If yes, I’ll gladly drop “Global” from my title. Funny thing is – I added it to emphasize my focus and thinking re: open education will not be limited to any one country… I mean to be inclusive (certainly not neo colonial) — and am happy to find the right words. Best – Cable

  5. Dear Dr. Green, this is Dr. Brown….ha!

    No, but seriously. I was looking over your slides for the upcoming ELI webinar (I can’t attend because I am not a member). I have to tell you that I am developing a CC licensed High School Statistics course with the text by Illowsky and Dean…and you cite it!!

    Our course will be built in Moodle and incorporate videos from YouTube and Khan Academy as links as well. I can’t wait to finish it, pilot it here, then give it away!!

    Thanks to you and all the CC folks for what you do!

    Bye for now,


  6. Hello,

    My name is Nora Elsheikh and I am the Chief Education Blogger for Bon Education – an International Education Consulting Firm stationed in Dubai, UAE. Our firm works at the nexus of education, emerging markets and technology.

    I recently covered your involvement with Harvard University in the 2012 Hewlett OER Grantees Meeting. I found the event to be extremely inspirational and pertaining to our mission. On that note, I featured the event and some highlights that would be of interest to our 750 plus viewers in this week’s blog post:

    Feel free to take a look and share the article with your network. Looking forward to following your future endeavors. Furthermore, do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions or comments!


    Nora Elsheikh
    Chief Education Blogger
    Bon Education
    Twitter: @bon_education
    +971-50-4678837 (UAE mobile)
    +971-4-4421685 (UAE telephone)

  7. Hello Timothy, I know you are probably still unpacking but if I don’t do this now… I’m Claudia Cristiani from the CC El Salvador group currently in the process of affiliation with CC HQ. I attended many of the presentations at the Buenos Aires Summit on OER and Open Policy in general and forgot to ask you or Cable where I can sign up for the Open Policy Network. I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me an e-mail where I could contact you or Cable in order to follow up on this.

    Thank you and best regards, Claudia.

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