Jennie Rose Halperin

Jennie Rose Halperin

Jennie Rose Halperin
Communications Manager
Jennie crafts delightful communications for Creative Commons.
Jennie Rose Halperin

Jennie is the Communications Manager at Creative Commons. She makes the CC communications and brand sparkle and works with communities to tell their stories through a variety of media.

Before joining Creative Commons, Jennie worked for Safari Books Online/O'Reilly Media as the Product Engagement Manager where she managed community marketing and test-driven product growth with a mighty team of technologists dedicated to innovation in online learning. She was previously at Mozilla on the Community Building Team and earned her masters degree in Library Science.

Jennie Rose's News

On Thursday, February 17, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius visited the Judy Hoyer Early Learning Center at Cool Springs Elementary School in Adelphi, Maryland.  HHS photo by Chris Smith, US Government work

Call for photographers! (US based)

Are you a seasoned, professional US-based photographer with experience photographing in school settings? Do you use CC or CC0 licensing? Tweet us your portfolio or send it along to We’re looking to build a list of photographers for our community to contact for projects, beginning with this specific ask. Please stay tuned for more announcements! … Read More “Call for photographers! (US based)”

National Open University of Nigeria Logo CC BY-2.0

“It upholds the dignity of mankind”: the power of OER in West Africa

Open educator and Institute for Open Leadership Fellow Jane-Frances Agbu works as a senior lecturer in health science and coordinates the award-winning Open Educational Resources program at NOUN, the National Open University of Nigeria.  NOUN provides open and distance education to over 180,000 students in the region. Agbu has seen the benefits of open education … Read More ““It upholds the dignity of mankind”: the power of OER in West Africa”

Balloon Mapping the Camp
Photo by Claudia Martinez Mansell CC BY-SA 3.0

Collaboratively generating more knowledge: Public Lab’s approach to citizen science

Citizen science is the powerful idea that communities should be empowered to participate in the process of scientific inquiry, investigating the world around them and creating societal change in the process. One of the most prominent projects within the citizen and civic science movement is Public Lab, a community of individuals using inexpensive DIY techniques … Read More “Collaboratively generating more knowledge: Public Lab’s approach to citizen science”