2016 State of the Commons: Call for submissions

Pinheads ( #cc ) by Martin Fisch / CC BY-SA

Since 2014, CC has published an annual State of the Commons report that tracks the growth of CC-licensed content on the web. Last year, we reported a milestone of 1 billion CC-licensed works in the commons. This year, we are shifting our reporting focus to align with our new strategy.

Quantitatively, we will still report on growth of CC-licensed content for year-over-year comparisons. Qualitatively, we want to offer a meaningful reflection of the year by providing short, digestible impact stories tied to real creators around the world working in various mediums and domains to surface vibrancy and usability of the commons and its contributors.

This is where you, our community, comes in. We are opening a public call for submissions of commons content, its creators, and the creative uses that have resulted.

The submission form is below and asks for the relevant details we need to start visualizing an impactful statistic tied to real use. Strong submissions include all three features of the Creative Commons story: 1) the creator/entity and the choice to openly license, 2) the user and the act of adapting and remixing, and 3) the resulting positive impact for a broader public.

The deadline for initial submissions is the end of the month: 31 October. We’ll be shaping the best submissions with their contributors in November.

Please submit your idea below.

2016 State of the Commons Submissions

All submissions will be judged by the following three elements, in addition to the submission's fit into the overarching report narrative, which will be based on CC’s new strategy emphasizing commons discovery, collaboration, and advocacy. Strong submissions include all three features of the Creative Commons story: 1) The creator/entity and the choice to openly license, 2) the user and the act of adapting and remixing, and 3) the resulting positive impact for a broader public.
  • This can be an individual, organization, or institution.
    Check all applicable to the work(s) in question.
  • This can be a user-generated content platform (e.g. Flickr) or another type of website.
  • For more information about commons discovery, collaboration, and advocacy, see https://creativecommons.org/use-remix/ideas/.
  • eg. co-creators, platforms, institutions
  • Please also note any industry trends here, e.g. In stock photography, clients are increasingly paying photographers to shoot specific things.
  • e.g. Photographer Samuel Zeller releases his photos on CC0-enabled platform Unsplash, resulting in increased views and reuse, and ultimately clients for his photo commission business.
  • Please enter an email address and confirm it in the second box.