SOS Children's Villages UK
Background Information
SOS Children, which runs nearly 200 sos schools in the developing world, organised this selection. Click here for more information on SOS Children.
SOS Children's Villages UK is an autonomous charity based in Cambridge in the United Kingdom and part of the international group SOS Children's Villages, the largest international charity group dedicated to the care of orphaned and abandoned children. It has registered the working names "SOS Children" and "World Orphan Week" with the Charity Commission.
Trustees include George, Earl of St. Andrews. People who support children through SOS Children's Villages UK include Stephen Hawking.
Mick Hucknall has recently made a public statement of support for SOS Children for their work for the long term care of children orphaned by the Asian Tsunami.
Wayne Rooney was recently appointed SOS Children ambassador.
Dickson Mabon was chairman of SOS Children's Villages UK who tried to get villages constructed in Scotland but was thwarted by local councils fearing the stigma of needing charitable help.
In 2011 SOS Children's Villages UK created a new web site "Our Africa" which won the New Media category of the One World Media Awards . Our Africa is an educational site with many short videos and articles created to celebrate 40 years of SOS Children's work in Africa. Many of the videos are devised and filmed by children across Africa.