Vocation school that provides training for Emergency Medical Technicians. The school also offers courses for professionals in areas such as first aid/CPR and occupational safety.
Date founded
Degrees offered
Certificate or diploma
School accreditation
Licensed by Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
Specialized accreditation
Continuing education (ACCET); allied health (CAAHEP)
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider
EMT Program only
School setting
Urban (in a large city)
Public transportation to campus
Student parking on campus
Student Body
Total number of students
Program costs
Tuition is $1,400 for the EMT Program. There is also a $100 non-refundable registration fee. Contact the school for textbook cost and for the cost of continuing education courses for professionals.
Tuition payment plans available
Installment plan (you can pay tuition in several payments over the course of the term)
Pre-payment plan (if you pay your entire tuition when you enroll, you don't have to pay higher prices if tuition increases)
Tuition guarantee (you aren't affected by tuition increases; the tuition you pay your first year is the amount you pay all years)
Financial Aid
Financial aid programs at this school
Need-based scholarships and grants
Privately-sponsored scholarships and grants
Contact for more information
Leslie Schmidt
Education required for admission
High school education
High school diploma required and GED accepted.
Application dates
Admission is available
Every quarter for EMT
Application requirements
Submit these items:
Required for all students
Must be at least 18 years old, have a current medical level CPR card; negative TB test not older than six months; current MMR and Hepatitis B or waiver; and Washington State background check.
Degrees offered
Certificate or diploma
Faculty and instruction
Academic calendar
Attendance options
Part time
Summer school
3 days a week, 5 hours a day
Campus housing
School owns or operates housing
Student Services
Academic services for all students
Academic advising
Career Services
Percentage of recent graduating class that
Had a full-time job offer within six months of graduation