Vocational school that provides nursing assistant and home care aide training, and a bridge program for medical assistants who wish to become certified nursing assistants.
Degrees offered
Certificate, Pre-licensing Training
School accreditation
Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider
School setting
Suburban (within commuting distance of a large city)
Tuition at Lakewood site is $700 for the nursing assistant program and includes CPR training, HIV certification, and administrative fees. There is a $75 application fee. Additional costs include: $100 to $160 for supplies, $110 for the state exam and $65 for WA State registration. Students are also responsible for a TB Test, background check, Department of Health nursing assistant filing fee, and state competency testing fee.
Contact the school for the cost of the Home Care Aide and Medical Assistant Alternative Bridge Program to CNA courses.
Deferment plan (you can pay part of your tuition at the start of the term and the rest at the end of the term)
Financial Aid
Applying for financial aid
Submit these forms
Financial aid programs at this school
Graduates who are employed by a long-term care facility within one year of completing their training will have their tuition and testing fees paid by their employer.