Vocational school which trains students exclusively for the practice of the Feldenkrais Method ® of Somatic Education.
Degrees offered
School accreditation
Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board and accredited by Feldenkrais Guild of North America.
School setting
Suburban (within commuting distance of a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area
Population of city the school is in
Public transportation to campus
Student parking on campus
Free parking available
Additional information
The training program consist of 800 hours over 160 days (five hours a day) divided in eight 20-day segments, two per year. The whole program takes four years to complete.
Student Body
Total number of male students
Total number of female students
Total number of students
Students enroll for an 800-hour course divided over a period of four years at the rate of 40 days of training per year.
Program costs
Tuition is $18,400 or about $4,600 per year for the four-year program. Students generally must provide a mat which costs $20 to $80. During the third and fourth years, students will need a Feldenkrais table ($400 to $800), a stool ($20 to $120), and rollers and props ($50 to $250).
Tuition payment plans available
Installment plan (you can pay tuition in several payments over the course of the term)
Tuition by training segment; average of $2,300 per segment for a total of eight segments.
Prior to or from the beginning of training up to day 41 (out of 160)
Application requirements
Application fee
Submit these items:
Required for all students
Required for some students
Letters of recommendation
2, required for all students
Written essay or personal statement
Required for all students
Other admissions information
It is recommended that applicants have a college degree or an equivalent learning experience. Applicants must supply a recent photo of themselves and other information. See the program brochure for details.
In order to graduate from the Seattle Eastside Feldenkrais® Trainings, a trainee must participate in the training program within the attendance guidelines; participate in his/her own self- and course-evaluation processes; adhere to all training policies; comply with proper usage of service marks; teach ATM under supervision; give two FIs under supervision; demonstrate acceptable competency in practicing the Method as defined by Educational Director(s); and meet his/her financial obligations.