Home page

N.A.R.I.E.S. (external link)

School Name and Address

Contact for more information

51 W Dayton
Edmonds, WA 98020
Main telephone 425.319.5783
Website http://www.homeinspectiontraining.com (external link)

General Information

General information

Public or private Private
Type of school Vocational school that provides training for Home Inspectors.
Date founded 1998
Degrees offered Certificate, Pre-licensing Training
School accreditation Approved for inclusion on the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board's list of Eligible Training Providers
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider Yes

School setting

Setting Suburban (within commuting distance of a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area Seattle
Population of city the school is in 40,773
Public transportation to campus Bus, train, ferry
County Snohomish

School visits

Contact to set up school visit Michael Pederson; 425.319.5783 or 800.583.5821

Student Body


Maximum 80 students per year


Program costs

Tuition is $3,995 for the Level I classroom (120 hours) and field training (40 hours).

Tuition rates vary by

Class time (e.g., day, evening)

Tuition refund policy

Follows Washington State requirements as detailed in http://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=490-105-130 (external link)
Contact the school for more information.

Tuition payment plans available

Pre-payment plan (if you pay your entire tuition when you enroll, you don't have to pay higher prices if tuition increases)
Tuition guarantee (you aren't affected by tuition increases; the tuition you pay your first year is the amount you pay all years)


Education required for admission

High school education High school diploma required and GED accepted.


Degrees offered

Pre-licensing training
Certificate or diploma

Attendance options


Educational programs

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