Main Campus: Southern Illinois University Workforce Education and Development Pulliam Hall 4605 Carbondale, IL 62901-4605 618.453.3321
General Information
General information
Public or private
Type of school
A postsecondary educational institution that provides a Bachelor's of Science degree in Workforce Education and Development.
Degrees offered
School accreditation
Accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and authorized by the Washington State Student Achievement Council.
School setting
Small town-rural area (not within commuting distance of a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area
Population of city the school is in
Additional information
The university operates on a trimester basis and offers classes for civilian and military students on alternate weekends in an accelerated weekend format. The bachelor's degree program prepares students for education, industry, and government positions in workforce education and training, education and training administration, curriculum development, and human performance consulting.
Student Body
Total enrollment
80 to 100 full-time students annually; 20 to 25 students per class
Annual costs for full-time undergraduate students
(Costs are for the 2019-2020 academic year. Full-time costs are based on 36-semester credits per year.)
Fees are subject to change at fall semester. Tuition rate per semester hour is $321.25 or $3,855 per semester. The tuition cited above is assuming a student attends three semesters per year - fall, spring, and summer.