Vocational school that provides a Massage Therapy Program. Full-time students receive 608 hours of training, which is beyond state requirements.
Degrees offered
School accreditation
Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board, approved by the Washington State Board of Massage, and Workforce and WorkSource approved.
Transfer students from out of state are evaluated based on their current skill level. This evaluation, combined with hours accepted from another program, is used to build an individual learning program that best suits that person. Student cost and time commitment varies based on the above findings.
The school encourages each student to develop and use their own personal massage talents so that they may leave the school, not only with the academic expertise necessary to obtain a state license, but also with the massage skills that will make each of them unique and able to become successful massage therapists. Specialized training includes cranial and lymphatic massage.
WEC's current master trainer works with small groups. Students are admitted year round. Each beginning class has exposure to, and support from, the intermediate and advanced students who are already attending class.
Student Body
Usually have between four and eight students.
Program costs
Tuition is $9,100 for the complete program. Books are $100.
It is recommended that students be 18 years of age or older and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Transfer students must have a skills assessment.