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Metropolitan Authentic Training - M.A.T. Pilates (external link)

School Name and Address

Contact for more information

Metropolitan Authentic Training - M.A.T. Pilates
2688 NE 49th Street
Seattle, WA 98105
Main telephone 206.525.9900
Website https://www.mat-pilates.com/ (external link)

General Information

General information

Public or private Private
Type of school Vocational school that provides Pilates teacher certification taught in the tradition of the original Pilates method (Classical Pilates).
Degrees offered Certificate
School accreditation Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board

School setting

Setting Urban (in a large city)
Population of city the school is in 617,334
Public transportation to campus Bus, Light Rail
Student parking on campus Free parking in the parking garage
County King

School visits

School visit availability Monday - Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Contact to set up school visit Silvia; 206.525.9900; metropolitanpilates@msn.com

Additional information

The M.A.T. Pilates teacher certification program is a rigorous teacher training program which emphasizes hands-on instruction with students working side-by-side with Dorothee VandeWalle. The program is very selective and the most comprehensive Pilates instructor training program in the United States. The program is offered every year. It starts with the basic system training seminar and is followed by daily apprenticeship at the studio. The program consists of three stages: basic, intermediate, and advanced.

Student Body


Number of full time, male students 1
Number of full time, female students 9
Total number of full time students 10
Total number of male students 1
Total number of female students 9
Total number of students 10
Maximum of ten students per session.

Costs (external link)

Annual costs for full-time undergraduate students

Cost information website https://www.mat-pilates.com/pilates-teacher-certification-tuition.php (external link)

Program costs

There is a $150 registration fee. The program is conducted in three stages: stage one tuition is $1,750, stage two tuition is $2,000, and stage three tuition is $2,500. Mandatory private and semi-private lessons are $6,600, plus tax.

Tuition refund policy

Follows Washington State requirements as detailed in https://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=490-105-130 (external link)
Contact the school for more information.

Tuition payment plans available

Installment plan (you can pay tuition in several payments over the course of the term)
Tuition guarantee (you aren't affected by tuition increases; the tuition you pay your first year is the amount you pay all years)

Financial Aid

Financial aid programs at this school

Student employment
Contact the school for information on employment opportunities.


Contact for more information

Silvia Furia
Program Administrator

Education required for admission

High school education High school diploma required and GED accepted.

Application dates 

Admission is available Winter term
Application deadline Continuous
Notified of acceptance by Continuous

Application requirements

Application fee $150 registration fee
Submit these items:
Application Required for all students
High school transcript or GED certificate Recommended, but not required
Interview Required for all students
Admission to the Metropolitan Pilates Teacher Certification Program is based on our program's ability to meet the needs of the applicant and the applicant's potential to benefit from our rigorous training program. An applicant's potential is evidenced by his/her knowledge of the Pilates method, his/her physical activity background, and his/her commitment to the demanding apprenticeship schedule. To begin the program, students must demonstrate proficiency at the intermediate level, be at an advanced level on the matwork, and be able to apply the principles of Pilates.


Required exams An evaluation with Dorothee VandeWalle is required for admission into the program.

Other admissions information

Prior experience in Pilates is required. The school also recommends that students be 18 years of age or older.

Academics (external link) (PDF file)

Degrees offered

Certificate or diploma

School catalog

School catalog website https://www.mat-pilates.com/pdf/TeacherCertificationCatalog.pdf (external link) (PDF file)
To get a catalog metropolitanpilates@msn.com
Academic index website https://www.mat-pilates.com/pilates-teacher-certification-curriculum.php (external link)

Graduation requirements

Training seminars, apprenticeship (practical training), personal Pilates sessions, classroom instruction, practical tests, written exams.

Attendance options

Full time
Part time

Career Services

Career services offered

Alumni networking and mentoring
Career counseling
Placement assistance

Educational programs (external link)

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