At a Glance
Suburban (within commuting distance of a large city)
18 students
$500 for the ten-day introductory course and includes tuition, registration fee, and an introductory grooming kit. Cost is $4,305 for the 600-hour Vocational Pet Grooming program and includes registration fee, tuition, books, and equipment kit. Cost for the 320-hour Groomer Advancement Class is $1,875 including a registration fee. Students may need to purchase additional tools. Equipment and textbooks must be purchased through the school.
School Name and Address
Contact for more information
General Information
General information
Public or private
Type of school
Vocational school that offers a 670-hour course of training and instruction in dog and cat grooming.
Degrees offered
School accreditation
Licensed by the Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act eligible training provider
School setting
Suburban (within commuting distance of a large city)
Closest major metropolitan area
Population of city the school is in
Public transportation to campus
Yes; within walking distance
School visits
School visit availability
Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays best between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Contact to set up school visit
Denise McDonald; 425.485.1500 (school);
Additional information
The school operates on a year-round basis. Classes are held during the day, Monday through Saturday. The weekly schedule is flexible to fit students' needs.
Student Body
Total number of students
Limited to six students per course; annual enrollment ranges from 12 to 18 students.
Program costs
$500 for the ten-day introductory course and includes tuition, registration fee, and an introductory grooming kit. Cost is $4,305 for the 600-hour Vocational Pet Grooming program and includes registration fee, tuition, books, and equipment kit. Cost for the 320-hour Groomer Advancement Class is $1,875 including a registration fee. Students may need to purchase additional tools. Equipment and textbooks must be purchased through the school.
Tuition rates vary by
Degree level (e.g., certificate, associate, bachelor's)
Tuition refund policy
Tuition payment plans available
Deferment plan (you can pay part of your tuition at the start of the term and the rest at the end of the term)
Installment plan (you can pay tuition in several payments over the course of the term)
Pre-payment plan (if you pay your entire tuition when you enroll, you don't have to pay higher prices if tuition increases)
Tuition guarantee (you aren't affected by tuition increases; the tuition you pay your first year is the amount you pay all years)
Financial Aid
Applying for financial aid
Submit these forms
Worker Retraining Program for Washington State laid off workers
Financial aid programs at this school
Worker retraining funds for unemployment recipients are available.
Contact for more information
Education required for admission
High school education
High school diploma required and GED accepted.
Application requirements
Application fee
$30 for the Introductory class; $105 registration fee for the Vocational Pet grooming program; $75 for the Groomer Advancement program.
Submit these items:
Required for all students
Recommended, but not required
Applicants must pass an entrance examination if they don't have a high school diploma or GED.
Degrees offered
Graduation requirements
Complete all book work; take breed ID tests; complete all hours and days required
Attendance options
Full time
Part time
Short-term courses
Summer school
Student Services
Academic services for all students
Other services for all students
Basic job skills
Student lounge
Career Services
Career services offered
Career counseling
Job interviews
Placement assistance
Educational programs
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