Section 3
The Ancient Andes
Version 35
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless World History I: Ancient Civilizations-Enlightenment
World History
by Boundless
3 concepts
The Caral Civilization
The Caral civilization flourished in the Andean region between the 30th and 18th centuries BCE. This peaceful, urban center yielded several major discoveries, including a method of keeping records known as quipu.
The Chavín Civilization
The Chavín civilization, which lasted from 900-250 BCE in Peru, featured ingenious art and architecture, and had widespread influence on other local cultures.
The Valdivia Culture
The Valdivia culture of Ecuador (3500-1800 BCE) is one of the oldest settled cultures recorded in the Americas. They were a sedentary, egalitarian people, known for their early use of pottery, and feminine ceramic figures.