Examples of collectivism in the following topics:
- Terms such as "Darwinian collectivism" or "Reform Darwinism" have been suggested to describe these views, in order to differentiate them from the individualist type of social Darwinism.
- Darwinist Collectivism or Reform Darwinism, rather than the individualist form of Darwinism, are more accurate terms for these ideologies.
- The Socialist Party formed strong alliances with a number of labor organizations that shared similar goals--such as collectivism.
- The Soviet Union's large military expenses, in combination with collectivized agriculture and inefficient planned manufacturing, were a heavy burden for the Soviet economy.
- Progressive leaders like Herbert Croly and Walter Lippmann indicated their classically liberal concern over the danger posed to the individual by collectivism and statism.
- The Catholics, although favoring collectivism, strongly opposed birth control proposals such as eugenics.