Examples of faction in the following topics:
- All connections among actors within a faction would be present, all connections between actors in different factions would be absent.
- Network>Subgroups>Factions is an algorithm that finds the optimal arrangement of actors into factions to maximize similarity to the ideal type, and measures how well the data actually fit the ideal type.
- If you have a prior hypothesis that a given population was divided into two factions, you could "test" this hypothesis by seeing how much error remained after defining two optimal factions.
- It is, however, the best we can do with four "factions."
- The picture then not only identifies actual or potential factions, but also tells us about the relations among the factions -- potential allies and enemies, in some cases.
- An alternative block model is that of "factions."
- Networks>Subgroups>Factions fits this block model to one-mode data (for any user-specified number of factions).
- Network>2-Mode>2-Mode Factions fits the same type of model to two-mode data (but for only two factions).
- In principle, there could be more than two such factions.
- Two mode factions model of California $1M donors and ballot initiatives (truncated)
- Will conflicts most likely involve multiple groups, or two factions.
- A hierarchical clustering can be very interesting in understanding which groups are more homogeneous (those that group together at early stages in the clustering) than others; moving up the clustering tree diagram, we can see a sort of a "contour map" of the similarity of nodes.Analysis>Subgroups>Factions (select number).
- A "faction" is a part of a graph in which the nodes are more tightly connected to one another than they are to members of other "factions. " This is quite an intuitively appealing idea of local clustering or sub-structure (though, as you can see, only one such idea).
- NetDraw asks you how many factions you would like to find (always explore various reasonable possibilities!).
- Points are colored, and the information about which nodes fall in which partitions (i.e. which cases are in which factions) is saved to the node attributes database.Analysis>Subgroups>Newman-Girvan.
- This algorithm will usually produce results similar to the factions algorithm.
- How might the sub-structures in your real world case be described using the formal concepts (are the sub structures "clans" or "factions" etc.).
- This idea has been applied in a number of ways: components, blocks/cutpoints, K-cores, Lambda sets and bridges, factions, and f-groups will be discussed here.
- Do they overlap and share members, or do they divide or factionalize the network?
- The term "scene" can refer to an exclusive subculture or faction.
- Adherents of a given faction may believe that for the achievement of their own political or religious project their internal opponents must be purged.
- Political parties, still called factions by some, are lobbied vigorously by organizations, businesses and special interest groups such as trades unions.