Of or with one eye.
Examples of monocular in the following topics:
Perceiving Depth, Distance, and Size
- Perception of depth, size, and distance is achieved using both monocular and binocular cues.
- Depth perception, size, and distance are ascertained through both monocular (one eye) and binocular (two eyes) cues.
- Monocular vision is poor at determining depth.
Perceiving Motion
- Monocular vision, or vision from one eye, can detect nearby motion; however, this type of vision is poor at depth perception.
- In monocular vision, the eye sees a two-dimensional image in motion, which is sufficient at near distances but not from farther away.
Vision: The Visual System, the Eye, and Color Vision
- While depth perception is often attributed to binocular vision (vision from two eyes), it also relies heavily on monocular cues (cues from only one eye) to function properly.