Version 15
Created by Boundless
Anatomical Position
Standard anatomical position
The regions of the body in standard anatomical position, in which the body is erect.
Diagram of male body in standard anatomical position, with all regions and features labeled along with the appropriate adjective for that feature. Anterior view, from top: Frons or forehead (frontal), cranium or skull (cranial), ocolus or eye (ocular), bucca or cheek (buccal), auris or ear (aural), facies or face (facial), nasus or nose (nasal), oris or mouth (oral), cervicis or neck (cervical), mentis or chin (mental), thorax or chest (thoracic), mamma or breast (mammary), axilla or armpit (axillary), brachium or arm (brachial), antecubitis or front of elbow (antecubital), antebrachium or forearm (antebrachial), carpus or wrist (carpal), pollex or thumb, palma or palm (palmar), digits or phalanges or fingers (phalangeal), abdomen (abdominal), umbilicus or navel (umbilical), hip (coxal), pelvis (pelvic), inguen or groin (inguinal), pubis (pubic), femur or thugh (femoral), patella or kneecap (patellar), crus or leg (crural), tarsus or ankle (tarsal), digits or phalanges or toes (digital or phalangeal), pes or foot (pedal). Posterior view from top: Cephalon or head (cephalic), shoulder (acromial), dorsum or back (dorsal), brachium or arm (brachial), olecranon or back of elbow (olecranial), lumbus or loin (lumbar), sacrum (sacral), antebrachium or forearm (antebrachial), manus or hand (manual), gluteus or buttock (gluteal), femur or thigh (femoral), popliteus or back of knee (popliteal), sura or calf (sural), calcaneus or heel of foot (calacaneal), planta or sole of foot (plantar). Also labeled: Upper limb, which is the arm extending from shoulder to fingertip, and lower limb which is the leg extending from thigh to toe.
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"Regions of the body."
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