Version 15
Created by Boundless
Anatomical Position
Relative location in the anatomical position
The anatomical position, with terms of relative location noted.
This image shows two female figures to demonstrate correct anatomical position labeling. The figure at left is turned to the side, with labels indicating that cranial refers to features toward the head while caudal refers to features that are closer to the feet. The front of the body is referred to as anterior or ventral, while the back is referred to as posterior or dorsal. The figure at right is facing forward in standard anatomical position. Labels indicate that proximal and distal are used to refer to the top and bottom of limbs, respectively. Medial is the term used for the center of the body, and lateral refers to features that are parallel to the medial.
Boundless vets and curates high-quality, openly licensed content from around the Internet. This particular resource used the following sources:
"Anatomical position."
Wikimedia Commons
CC BY 3.0.