Version 11
Created by Boundless
Adherens Junctions
The structural proteins in an adherens junction
These are the principal interactions of structural proteins at a cadherin-based plasma membrane adherens junction. Actin filaments are associated with adherens junctions in addition to several other actin-binding proteins.
This illustration is two drawings of the principal interactions of structural proteins at a cadherin-based adherens junction. There are two pictures: one is a cut-away view of an adherens junctions with the actin filament identified. Actin filaments are associated with adherens junctions in addition to several other actin-binding proteins. The other is an exploded view of two plasma membranes that depict actin filaments as tubes that are joined to one another by bonds of a-actinin, and then joined to the plasma membrane by catenin and vinculins. The plasma membranes are joined together by cadherin protein.
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