Examples of nostril in the following topics:
- The nasal septum is the bone and cartilage in the nose that separates the nasal cavity into the two nostrils.
- The surgeon inserts the surgical instrument through the nostrils and cuts away the obtruding matter.
- The external part of the human nose is the protruding part of the face that bears the nostrils.
- The nasal septum is wall of cartilage that separates the right and left nostril chambers from each other.
- Depigmentation is particularly noticeable around body orifices, such as the mouth, eyes, nostrils, genitalia, and umbilicus.
- Actions: The transverse section closes the nostrils and
the alar part opens them.
- The levator
labii superioris alaeque nasi is the muscle of the upper lip and acts to
lift the upper lift and dilates nostril, producing a snarling expression.
- For this reason, many specialist clinics now use fiber-optic nasal endoscopy where a thin and flexible endoscope, inserted through the nostril, is used to clearly visualize the entire pharynx and larynx.
- The facial nerves control a number of functions such as blinking and closing the eyes, smiling, frowning, lacrimation, salivation, flaring nostrils, and raising eyebrows.
- They are at several places attached to skin: at the nostrils, the mouth, the lips, the eyelids, the genital area, but are also located within the body cavities, such as in the stomach, anus, trachea, and ears.