Black Box Model
shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer characteristics, decision process and consumer responses.
Examples of Black Box Model in the following topics:
- Lifestyle is also referred to as a buyer characteristic in the Black Box Model, which shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer characteristics, decision process, and consumer responses.
- The Black Box Model is related to the Black Box Theory of Behaviorism, where the focus is set not on the processes inside a consumer, but the relation between the stimuli and the response of the consumer.
- The buyer's "black box" contains the buyer characteristics (e.g., attitudes, motivation, perception, lifestyle, personality, and knowledge) and the decision process (e.g., problem recognition, information research, alternative evaluation, purchase decision, and post-purchase behavior) which determine the buyer's response (e.g., product choice, brand choice, dealer choice, purchase timing, and purchase amount).
- The Black Box Model considers the buyer's response as a result of a conscious, rational decision process, in which it is assumed that the buyer has recognized the problem.
The Marketing Exchange
- This is the mystery, or the "black box," of buyer behavior that makes the exchange process so unpredictable and difficult for marketers to understand.