Examples of Scouting in the following topics:
- Technology can be developed internally or isolated through technology scouting and then implemented through technology transfer.
- Technology scouting is essentially forecasting technological developments through information gathering.
- Technology scouts can either be internal employees or external consultants specifically designated to the task of researching developments in a particular technological field.
- When technology scouting isolates new developments that could potentially provide advantages for an incumbent, strategies to acquire or source this technology become a focal point.
- Illustrate the varying cost structures, licensing, and scouting procedures involved with technology sourcing
- Technology Forecasting - identifying applicable technologies for the company, potentially through scouting.
- Information - Scouting and assessing the current technological environment through extensive research teams is necessary to make the appropriate decisions (see "Sourcing Technology" and "Assessing Needs in Technology" within this Boundless segment).
- Headhunters and corporate scouting initiatives are also an important attribute of a well-designed diversity-recruitment initiative.
- The Girl Scouts of the USA are well known for selling cookies in order to generate funds.