Section 2
Production Decisions in Perfect Competition
Version 3
By Boundless
By Boundless
Boundless Economics
by Boundless
5 concepts
Relationship Between Output and Revenue
Output is the amount of a good produced; revenue is the amount of income made from sales minus all business expenses.
Marginal Cost Profit Maximization Strategy
In order to maximize profit, the firm should set marginal revenue (MR) equal to the marginal cost (MC).
Shut Down Case
A firm will implement a production shutdown if the revenue from the sale of goods produced cannot cover the variable costs of production.
The Supply Curve in Perfect Competition
The total revenue-total cost perspective and the marginal revenue-marginal cost perspective are used to find profit maximizing quantities.
Short Run Firm Production Decision
The short run is the conceptual time period where at least one factor of production is fixed in amount while other factors are variable.