A spelling error.
Examples of typo in the following topics:
Community Contributions
- These contributions can range from the correction of a small typo to a suggestion for a brand-new content module.
- This information must be accurate—even one mistaken measurement or typo could change the procedure and results drastically.
Creating Effective Messages
- Remember to keep the communications free of typos and grammatical errors.
Introductiont to Releases and Daily Development
Choosing Committers
- If you have 100 committers, 10 of whom make large changes on a regular basis, and the other 90 of whom just fix typos and small bugs a few times a year, that's still better than having only the 10.
Common Spelling Errors
- Common typos include:
Step 6: Editing and Proofreading
- It's okay to correct typos or grammatical errors if you catch them in early drafts, but you should save thorough proofreading for your final draft.
- Several years ago the editor of Success magazine, Scott DeGarmo, fined the editors he supervised for committing typos of any sort.
Wording the Speech
- Look for typos such as spelling and grammatical errors.
Codifying Tradition
- Random Contributor * trunk/contrib/client-side/psvn/psvn.el:Fixed some typos from revision 12828.------------------------------------------------------------------------