social safety net
Examples of social safety net in the following topics:
Uniting Competing Factions Within the Party
- The Democratic Party is most associated with a liberal attitude toward politics that emphasizes a more active government role in regulating the economy, ensuring equality, and providing a social safety net.
- "Life chances" is a term used to describe someone's access to marketplace resources—essentially, how likely it is in their environment that they might be able to find employment or have a social safety net.
- The term for a person's ability to change their economic status in a society is known as "social mobility. "
- If there is a high level of social mobility, it is relatively easy for people to leave poverty.
- Easy access to higher education and prevalence of well-paying jobs contribute to social mobility.
Socially Constructed Interpretations of Aging
- While aging, itself, is a bio-social process, the ways people and cultures interpret ages (e.g., "old," "young," "mid-life") and the ways these interpretations are distinguished by varied biological age markers vary dramatically.
- In societies where lifespans are relatively short (e.g., Chad) or in areas within a given society where violence and / or other means of "early" death are common, one could be considered "old" or "middle-aged" by her mid-twenties, whereas in countries and social settings with longer lifespans (e.g., Japan) and lower levels of "early" death, mid-twenties is still considered young-adulthood.
- The activities that are expected of one at different ages is also socially constructed and relative to culture.
- For instance, retirement only became a "universal" American ideal in the post-World War I era, as the growth of Social Security and private pensions dramatically expanded the safety net available to aging workers who were leaving the labor market.
Relief and Conservation Programs
- At that time, the federal government provided no safety net: there was no unemployment insurance, no Social Security, and no welfare.
- The New Deal included some of the first national welfare programs, including Social Security, passed in August of 1935 and still in operation today.
- The Social Security Act was an attempt to create a safety net against economic dangers such as old age, poverty, and unemployment.
The New Deal
- There was no national safety net, no public unemployment insurance, and no Social Security.
- It also marked the beginning of complex social programs and the growing power of labor unions.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- People lacking food, love, esteem, or safety would consider food to be their greatest need.
- Once physical needs are satisfied, individual safety takes precedence.
- Safety and Security needs include:
- Humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance, whether it comes from a large social group, such as clubs, religious groups, professional organizations, gangs, family, or mentors.
- Without these connections, many people become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and clinical depression.
Profit Margin
- Net profit is the gross profit minus all other expenses.
- The gross profit margin calculation uses gross profit and the net profit margin calculation uses net profit .
- It is difficult to accurately compare the net profit ratio for different entities.
- A low profit margin indicates a low margin of safety.
- The percentage of net profit (gross profit minus all other expenses) earned on a company's sales.
Applicable Legislation
- Social legislation: Marketers' activities are affected by broad social legislation, like the civil rights laws, programs to reduce unemployment, and legislation that affects the environment (e.g. water and air pollution).
- For example, utilities in Oregon can spend only ½ per cent of their net income on advertising.
- Federal agencies like the US Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Product Safety concern themselves with all facets of business.
- The courts are increasingly holding sellers responsible for the safety of their products.
- Liability can even result if a court or a jury decides that a product's design, construction, or operating instructions and safety warnings make the product unreasonably dangerous to use.
The Budgeting Process
- In the short-run, tax revenues have declined significantly due to a severe recession and tax policy choices, while expenditures have expanded for wars, unemployment insurance and other safety net spending.
- Social Security spending increased versus 2011 while Defense, Medicare and Medicaid spending fell.
- Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid expenditures are funded by more permanent Congressional appropriations and so are considered mandatory spending.
- Mandatory spending accounted for 57.4% of total federal outlays in FY2012, with net interest payments accounting for an additional 6.3%.
- Discretionary budget authority is established annually by Congress, as opposed to mandatory spending that is required by laws that span multiple years, such as Social Security or Medicare.
Deficit Spending, the Public Debt, and Policy Making
- Government deficit, on the other hand, refers to a situation when the government's expenses, including its purchases of goods and services, its transfers (grants) to individuals and corporations, and its net interest payments, exceed its tax revenues.
- Otherwise the debt issuance can increase the level of (i) public debt, (ii) private sector net worth, (iii) debt service (interest payments) and (iv) interest rates.
- In the United States, taxes are imposed on net income of individuals and corporations by the federal, most state, and some local governments.
- Debt held by government accounts or intragovernmental debt includes non-marketable Treasury securities held in accounts administered by the federal government that are owed to program beneficiaries, such as the Social Security Trust Fund.
- Economic growth offers the "win-win" scenario of higher employment, which increases tax revenue while reducing safety net expenditures for such things as unemployment compensation and food stamps.